I'm Angelina Würth and this is my english blog.
Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoy it.
dilluns, 17 de juny del 2013
Bye bye ESO!
We were waiting for this during four years, we finally got the ESO.
It's June, and like every year we can't wait to finish school and join the summer. But this year it's diferent, because after this summer will change a lot of things. We can do Batxillerat, go to work or just stay at home for the rest of your life andyou will meet new people.
This summer will be special for me, I just finished all the exams and I passed all the subjects and now I start to work. Well, I'm already working since one month, but only the weekends. I'ts very stressful, I work for 8 hours, and I never can sit down or eat something. But they pay very well and I like to be there.
After this summer I'll go back to the school in Castelló to do Batxillerat.
dissabte, 8 de juny del 2013
In some areas, the flood situation is already more relaxed, in other regions i'ts comming worst. Especially in the cities and towns along the Elbe fear the people because of the rising water levels.
In the morning the level was in Dresden at 8.27 meters. Normal is about two meters.
Over 11.000 people had been previously brought to safety.
Brandenburg expects higher water levels than in the flood of 2002. For the record flood of August 2002, there were 9.98 meters. Since the terrain is inaccessible there, the county has asked the Federal Armed Forces, to bring sandbags by helicopter to close the gap there.
Nationwide, 70.000 firefighters and more than 11.3000 soldiers are fighting against the floods. At least seven people died since the flood disaster has started and a lot of people are missing.
The inhabitants of these areas are all helping and doing what they can to stop the floods, but it's impossible. It's going wortst every day and the people can't do anything to stop it.
Passau is one of the worst cities, on the 1st of June the historic centre of Passau was underwater. The water levels reached 12.85 m, overflowing the highest recorded historic flood level.
My family
Last summer was the wedding of my cousin Susanne and her husband Thomas. It was a wonderful day. We went to a little church with all the family and friends. I met people " of my family" that I didn't knew and after two long hours of sitting in the church we went to a hotel where we ate cakes and cupcakes and finally had dinner.
In the same town where the hotel was, there was a little party and the friend of the bride took her to there and her husband had to find her.
Me and some friends also went to the party, and when we arrived I saw both of the stage singing a song. It was wonderful and a lot of people (they already were drunk) began to cry. It was very funny. After that we went back to the hotel.
This may was born their son, Lukas. He was born at the 13th of May in the Schwarzwald Baar Klinikum at 18:03h. He had 3345 grams and 50 cm. When I first saw this picture I fell in love with him immediatly and I can't wait to see him.
They are really happy together.
This summer will be the first year that I work. I work at the jewellry's in Empuriabrava.
I'm the luckiest person because I have found something for this summer. Most people I know doesn't have a job. It will be very stressful but I can need the money. I will buy a scooter this summer and next year I wanted to go to Ibiza with a friend. The shop opens at 10 o'clock in the morning and closes at 11 o'clock in the night.
I don't will work all this hours during the seven days of the week but I will not have time for going to the beach a lot. I already have worked a few days and I really like it. I prefer working there and selling expensive watches and jewelry of Calvin Klein, Diesel, Armani, Hugo Boss, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Pandora.. than working in a tourists shop or in a restaurant. Thay pay really well and my boss is very nice and kind with me.
I also have to be very careful, the possibility that someone can steal something is very high.
Some days, when my father is working and he won't leave her alone at home she stays with me. But I can't do a lot with her, she's the laziest dog I know, she don't want to play, don't want to walk.. only sleep and sleep.
She's also afraid of a lot of things, and I always have to look after her if she's okey.
One day, I went with friends on a boat and Nina went with me. It was a little boat, there was much wind and the music was too loud for her. After an hour, she went really bad and her tongue was blue. After this trip, I took her to the vet and after one or two days she was better again.
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