divendres, 9 de maig del 2014


Blogging has become a popular hobby for a lot of teenagers in the last years. Especially girls use it to express their feelings and to talk about their lifes. Some of them also give their opinions about fashion or celebraties and make tutorials about make-up and hair.
On one hand, the fashion bloggers have become so famous that they already can live and pay their bills with that "hobby". They also get invitations for Fashion weeks and they also have the opportunity to meet famous designers.
On the other hand, the personal bloggers write about their whole world and everybody can read it, I think that, for those people nothing is private, and everybody need their privacy.
In my opinion, I think that writing a blog is a good idea for a lot of people, but it isn't for me. It is true that it helps to improve the writing skills and to express the creativity, but I feel like my blog is homework where I have to write an essay every week. In other words, I don't have fun doing it.
In conclusion, if I would like to do it, I would write about my life and I would give tutorials.

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