divendres, 10 d’abril del 2015

The heart wants what it wants

We know it from every single movie we have seen or book we have readed, there is always the handsome and athletic boy who always dates the prettiest girls, and then they are the others, the sensitive and caring boys, who are always wondering what they are doing wrong with the girls.

Due to this, recently  some students of Hurtpury College in England did a research in regards to marriage, relationships and narcissistic men. They asked 146 women between 18 and 28 years old, and the study found out that even those who already have dated self-absorbed men, they never learned their lessons and continued to pursue these types of men.
Moreover, the more relationship experience each women had, the more she found narcissistic men attraktive.
In conclusion, it has all to do with the self-confidence and power narcissistic men exude.

Personally, I know plenty of these narcisstic boys, and the truth is that they always get the girl that they want, without doing anything. However, they are also always the boys who are more likely to cheat and think about themselves.


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