divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012



One of my biggest dreams is to participate in a language course abroad with EF (Education First). EF is the world leader in International Education and they also have worldwide connections to learn languages from other countries. I'm planning to go next year for two weeks to St. Julian's, in Malta. I would take around 26 lessons in english in a week, do a lot of activities, make new experiences, and meet new people from all around the world. It sounds funny, and I'd ike to participate in it. But, the only problem I have is the money. it costs a lot going to another country, specially Malta, and finally to have the EFCELT certificate. But I will try it, and do everything to make my dream real. Another dream of mine is, when I finished my Batxillerat, go back to Germany and study law at the Universtity of Freiburg. But before all this, i'd love to travel a bit around the world and, specially, go to America for a few months.

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