dijous, 7 de maig del 2015

15 Real-Life Tips for the Graduation Class 2015

1. It's okay if you still don't have a clue what you want to do with the rest of your life. Nobody does, so you are in a good company.
2. People will lie to you to make themselves feel better about their owns lifes. Nobody has it all figured out, and if they say so, they're lying.
3.You degree will set you up, but be open-minded for a career that has nothing to do with your degree. Who knows? Maybe it will be the right for you?
4. Start saying "thank you" more often. It will set you apart from those who never learned to.
5. You probaly will have a crap job, so better accept it and be proud of it.
6. Do not be afraid, it's the only way to success.
7. Stay out of debt, everything you do will be good for something.
8. You have the right to balance your personal interests with your professional career.
9. Perfection is the enemy, don't be afraid of failure.
10. The planet needs you, you have the power to make change.
11. Take care of yourself
12. The fun is not over, it just started.
13. Save and invest your hard-earned money.
14. Live at home as long as you can, respect and thank your parents.
15. Share your plans with the rest of the world.

With this list, I'm ready to leave Castelló and start a new life. I will trust myself with my decisions, be proud of my work and accept whatever comes.

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