divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


From my point of view, there should be more limits in the scientific world. It seems to me that a lot of scientists use humans for their experiments, and not always in a legal way. They especially use animals for medicine experiments and actually also for cloning.
After many experiments, scientists have succeeded in cloning, but the society is against this new technology. And after thinking about what they are trying to do I have come to the same conclusion. They are trying to do identycal copies of humans,and this can't be good for society. It would mean that a lot of people in the world would have a clone, somebody that is exactly like himm and I wouldn't like to have one!
On the other hand, as far as I know, the last years they have tried to clone every single animal that exists. The famous sheep Dolly is an example for it, and she seemed to be happy with her life.
In conclusion, I would say that cloning is an example of limits of science. It's an unnecessary method that nobody needs and I bet that we would continue living perfectly without a clone of ourselfs.

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