divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Fighting for a better world

Over the past couple of years, our environment has changed very drastically, but I think that our world had these problems already a long time ago, but they tried to hide it from the inhabitants. Because it's a fact that it's nearly impossible that from one year to another people can damage our planet so badly. If we had reacted before, we probably wouldn't be in this situation today, but we were not able because we had no idea of what was happening.
The main reason of the environment of the world is because humans don't take enough care of the Earth, and if we don't to anything about it, the Earth will not be in a "good shape" for a long time anymore.
Luckily, there are many solutions for this problem. One thing that we could do is to conserve energy thinking in a smaller way. We can reduce our necessaries and then recycle them, turn off every light that we don't need, turn off the water while brushing our teeth or washing the dishes, etc.
Another more drastic way is to use more the bycicle or to avoid completely the car. But this is impossible for the most people. We need our car for everything so we can't renounce to it.
But, it is true that the most effective and easy way to save our environment is recycling. Recycling means to reduce, reuse and recycle and we should all do this. It's not difficult; we just have to do very simple things like separating plastics or glass from the organic or paper trash and take care about where we leave the waste.
In conclusion, we don't need to change completely our way of living, if we all do little things to avoid these problems we can make a big change, but his only works if we do it together. 

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