divendres, 20 de febrer del 2015

Paralyzed girl walks in New York Fashion Week

The 19 years old girl, Megan Silcott has suffered for nearly the past two years from a rare neurological disorder also called "Kissing disease". I'ts really common among teenagers and it normally disappears after a few weeks with a sore throat, nausea and fatigue, but not in her case because it ended up manifesting into the illness ADEM, wich paralyze you from the waist down.

Megan Silcott, noticed her illness in one of the worst ways. One morning after a party night she wantet to get up and go to shower but she couldn't move. Before this morning,  she has been a healthy athelete and her biggest dream was to become a model, but this dream seemed nearly impossible due to her doctors who told her that the chances for her to walk again were very little, but the teenager never thought about giving up, so she did the best that she could and started to attend a therapy during two years, and as it seems, with success.

The famous designer Nina Perdomo heard about her story and wanted to make her dream become real so she invited Megan to participate in her runaway with the aid of a walker and this was only the beggining of her carreer as a model.

In conclusion, this story is really impressful and it shows again that anything can be possible if you truly want it and work for it.

-Sore throat: mal de coll
-Aid: ajuda


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