dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2015

Why our brains literally love notifications

Our generation is definitely the notifications generation. We love to hear a sound that tells us that someone wants to interact with us via leaving us a comment, to like a photo, to retweet or to write on our walls.Somebody who hasn't heard about these notfications won't understand anything, but we are real professionals in this issue.

The fact is that we love these notifications because they heighten our self-worth and we know that someone is interested in our thoughts. The digital world became just like the real one, we hate beeing ignored from others. Beacause of this we find it really frustrating if we post a selfie of a funny video and nobody comments or like it, just like in the real life. The comments or likes of the notifications tells us that they are important, so that WE are important, and that is exactly what we love about the social networks.
Nevertheless, notifications don't have to be always positive, thay also can create us negative emotions but we don't mind, because a negative comment, stays a comment and says that we are not totally ignored. This fact is really shocking, we prefer to recieve a negative comment than not receaving any!

What is more surprising, it has a scientific explanation! It's all about the dopamine, a chemical associated with reward and motivaiton response in our brains, that emerges when we get a notification. These hits of dopamine recharge our addictive compulsion to social media, and we can't help but to feed into this compulsion, in fact, apparently a disorder called Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) exists.

In conclusion, I will try to turn my push notifications off because I don't want to be addicted to it, what I have to confesss, I already am. ( a little bit).

emerge: sorgir


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