divendres, 11 de gener del 2013

New Year's Revolution 2013

For this brand new year, 2013 i'll try to do all better than last year. After the divorce of my parents and all the problems i've had with my family, I hope that this year will be without all this problems and I can start every day happier and if it's possible with a smile. I have thought of my new year' resolution and here's a list of the most important things.
1. As first, the most important thing is, BE HAPPIER!
2. I'd love to lose weight, eating less chocolate and going more to the gym (not only twice a week)!!!
3. Visit more my father and trying to do more activities or something with him.
4. I will try to do a little bit more for school ( as much as I can).
5. Don't watch too much time TV.
6. Work for my own money.
7. Eat helthier

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