dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014


Last month I went to Germany to visit my family because I hadn't seen them for a long time and also because I had to go to an important wedding.
I used the opportunity to take with me my friends Esther and Tania. For Esther it was the third time she came with me but for Tania it was the first one, so it was a special trip.
We only stayed a few days because we didn't want to miss school. During these days we wanted to go to diferent cities and visit many places, a zoo included.
On the first day, we went to the city Freiburg where we bought our dress for the wedding and some presents for my family. It was a very sunny day and we spent hours sitting in a little café we discovered next to the church, it was very cute.
The next day was supposed to be relaxing and we decided to visit the zoo, but I don't know how, but at the end it was the most exhausting day. The zoo was amazing but it was full of monkeys, it was like the only animals who lived in the zoo were mokeys, so at the end of the day we couldn't see anymore monkeys and we decided to leave.
The following day it was time for the wedding, so we put our new dresses on. The day was hilarious because all the family members were on the party, plus my two spanish friends, who didn't understand anything.
These days were very necessary because we all needed a few days off, but everything has an end, and the next day we must go back to school and start our routine again.

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