dissabte, 8 de novembre del 2014

You are who you friend: why you will go far as your friends go

This news article demonstrate that the influence of our closest friends will decide our future, and how far we will go with our decisions.
Friends are very important in our lives because they bring a sense of warmth that make us think that they always will support and protect us. This feeling provokes that we never feel alone and because of this they are even more valuable. Of course, they are different types of friends, and we have to be able to pick out the best of them, the ones who fits in our personality. Naturally, they can not be perfect, but neither are we, so we have to accept them because life without friends doesn't make any sense.

The article affirms that each of our closest friends has habits and disciplines that we will invariably pick up, regardless if they are positive or not and that it would be impossible to accomplish any goal without our friend's influences, who motivate us to accomplish them plus respect the decision we make.
It's important to remember that we always should avoid a negative friend group atmosphere, because they could push us in a wrong way and they could jeopardize our growth as an individual.
In my opinion, all this is completely true. Sometimes I catch myself doing the same habits than my friends, like laughing in the same way or saying the same things because I spend a long time with them. It is also true that some friends I had until now pushed me in wrong ways and they also have avoided that I accepted some important chances that could have changed my life in a better way, but it is what it is and I can't go back and change this kind of friends for the ones I have now, wich I think are the best ones.

Provoke: provocar
Invariably: invariablement
Jeopardize: posar en perill


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