divendres, 15 de novembre del 2013


During the last week my friends from class did some oral presentations about the traditions, weddings and funerals from around the world.  Some people did it allone, the others in pairs o even more. The most comparated funerals or weddings from different cultures and the pass from childhood to adulthood.
Esther and I did it about the Sweet Sixteen in America, wich is the day when a girl turns sixteen years old. We have talked about the traditions, themes, dresses, invitations and we have shown some videos related to it.
We all have also learned a lot about other cultures, like the gipsy wedding, japanese weddings, the differences between funerals from the catholic and islam religion.
- I have learned that in Bulgaria, shaking the head to say yes or no, is completely different to the rest of the world. To say no we shake our head horitzonal while they do it vertical, and to say yes they do it horitzontal while we do it vertical. This is a really strange fact. Why they don't do it like the others?

- I also have learned that the Sweet 16 birthday is an copy of the South-America's Quinceañera, and that it's also very popular for boys.

- The other thing I didnt' knew were some interesting japanese and chinese traditions.

This were really funny classes, were we could learn new things, have fun and practise our english pronunciation.

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