dilluns, 22 de setembre del 2014

2nd Batxillerat

Hello 2nd Batxillerat!
During summer I was hoping every single day that the 15th of September will never arrive, but it came sooner than I thought. Now i'm sitting on this uncomfortable chair in the classroom trying to listen to my teacher and thinking about how amazing it is how your entire life changes from one day to another. Last week, sunday the 14th was just another awesome day of summer, I had to work but it didn't matter. In summer everything is different, you never get bored and you don't have to see the same faces everyday. I also had to get up early to go to work, but there is a huge difference between getting up at 6AM and 9AM. Sometimes I was really tired of working but at least when I was at home I had no homework to do and I never had to think about an exam wich I have to write the next day.
I love summer because you are like an adult, you are independent and you can do what you want to do, and because of this it is really hard to go back to school, where suddenly everybody tells you what you have to do and what is the best for you.
In conclusion, I hope that I will survive this year and that it will end as soon as possible, and then finally, it will be the time to say bye bye Castelló!

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