dilluns, 29 de setembre del 2014

Happiness and Career success

The purpose of this Infographic is obvious. They are trying to convince us that we can't be successful just by working hard, new studies have proved that there is another important thing that we should notice: happiness.
It is true that we spend more time working than doing another thing that could make us happier, but people have accepted this fact and they believed that it was normal, until now. Studies aimed to prove that happiness leads to career success, and not that we need to work hard and to be successful to finally be happy,
It is demonstrated that happier and positive people are more likely to get hired in the first place, tend to have more job satisfaction, perform better on their job and miss fewer days.
So the conclusion is, that we should work happier to get better results, and not only work happier. To increase our positivity you can try the "three good things" activity, which consists in writing down three good things that happened to you during the day.
I will try to do this activity every night, and we will see if my positivity increases.

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