divendres, 15 de març del 2013


The Europa-Park ist the largest park in Germany and the second most popular theme park resort in Europe (after Disneyland Paris). It's located in Rust, in the south-west of Germany. The park has about 50.000 guests a day. The park is dividen in 16 different areas, mostly named after countries of Europe.
The famous mascot of the park is this mouse that we see at the top, it's called "Euromaus". There are 11 roller coasters and five hotels with a guest hotel, a Tipi Village and Campsite. The most popular hotel is deffinetly the Colosseo, which is a re-creation of a roman colosseum. 
But the park not only offers roller coasters, it also offers shows, like the Ice Show in Greece, a Gladiator Arena in Spain, an Acrobatics Show in Italian and the Globe Theatre based on that of William Shakespeare and the 4D Cinema.
Due the size of the park, there are 3 transport systems, the Panorama Train, the Monorail and the EP-Express train. One of the most important attractions is the roller coaster Silver Star, the Euro-Mir and the Poseidon. There are also museum, like the Formula 1 race car museum of Mercedes Benz and the FIFA World Cup museum. For the little kids they have a Fairyland and more attractions.

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