dilluns, 24 de març del 2014


Last week my classmates went to London and unfortunetely I had to go to school. Most people didn't come, we only were about six or seven people in class.
The teachers were very upset and angry because so much people dind't come just because they didn't wanted to. I supose that they thought that the teachers won't advance the class but they don't care anyway. The people and teachers were very happy about the feeling we had in class because we only were the people who really wanted to learn, nobody was interrupting and also the teachers were much more relaxed that the others day. We didn't have homework to do too, because we had time to finish it all in class.
After school I had to help in the Café of my mother, the café is always full of people, so much that I don't understand from where all the people come from.
All in one, this were some really relaxing days and I enjoyed them.

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