dijous, 30 d’abril del 2015

Isabella Barrett

Isabella Barrett is only 8 years old, but yet a millioaire.
As a little girl she started participating in beautypeagents and nearly won them all. Then she started singing in her own music band, modeling and now even creating and designing her own accesorrories and clothes collection.
These collections had so much success that she is the youngest self-made millionaire in the world.

With her 8 years she owns her own money and can spend it like she wants to. So it's obvioulsy that her wishes aren't about having a new barbie or a little dog. Her christmas wishing list was about going on holidays to Hawaii, a new summer house and a recording studio for her band, and the most amazing is that she could buy it all by herself.
According to her mom, despite of her success, she lives a normal life. She goes everyday to school, plays with her friends and after finishing her homework, she's allowed to work on her collections.

To sum up, Isabella has achieved with only 8 years what others work and wish all their life for. It is also clear that this can not be only her dream, her mother surely also plays a big role in it.

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