dissabte, 8 de juny del 2013



In some areas, the flood situation is already more relaxed, in other regions i'ts comming worst.  Especially in the cities and towns along the Elbe fear the people because of the rising water levels.
In the morning the level was in Dresden at 8.27 meters. Normal is about two meters.
Over 11.000 people had been  previously brought to safety.
 Brandenburg expects higher water levels than in the flood of 2002. For the record flood of August 2002, there were 9.98 meters. Since the terrain is inaccessible there, the county has asked the Federal Armed Forces, to bring sandbags by helicopter to close the gap there.
Nationwide, 70.000 firefighters and more than 11.3000 soldiers are fighting against the floods. At least seven people died since the flood disaster has started and a lot of people are missing.
The inhabitants of these areas are all helping and doing what they can to stop the floods, but it's impossible. It's going wortst every day and the people can't do anything to stop it.
Passau is one of the worst cities, on the 1st of June the historic centre of Passau was underwater. The  water levels reached 12.85 m, overflowing the highest recorded historic flood level.

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