dilluns, 17 de juny del 2013

Bye bye ESO!

We were waiting for this during four years, we finally got the ESO.
It's June, and like every year we can't wait to finish school and join the summer. But this year it's diferent, because after this summer will change a lot of things. We can do Batxillerat, go to work or just stay at home for the rest of your life andyou will meet new people.
This summer will be special for me, I just finished all the exams and I passed all the subjects and now I start to work. Well, I'm already working since one month, but only the weekends. I'ts very stressful, I work for 8 hours, and I never can sit down or eat something. But they pay very well and I like to be there.
After this summer I'll go back to the school in Castelló to do Batxillerat.

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